Erasmus Student Work Placement in PUAS 2018

Brief description of placement offer: Training a Google Dialogflow Bot for interaction over cultural heritage topics.
CONSERT researchers have developed a solution for interacti museum guides. Part of the solution is based on the use of a Google Dialogflow (formerly API.AI) Bot (Hypatia), which however, in order to be fully capable of interacting with the visitors of a museum, requires training. 
The implemented service allows the visitor of the museum to see information about the exhibits on his/her mobile phone, based on proximity (no need for the use of camera, or a QR/bar code). Information (both text and multimedia content) are displayed on the visitor’s personal device, and the visitor is able to engage in a conversation with the exhibits using text and verbal communication (i.e. asking questions about the exhibit’s origin and other historical facts).
The placement offer is on training the Google Dialogflow (formerly API.AI) Bot in order to be fully capable of interacting with museum visitors and engage in conversations over cultural heritage and museum exhibits, providing assistance to the visitor.
Skills required: The candidate must have a basic knowledge of JSON and Java and willing to engage in a training process, followed by testing.
Name of organisation
Address and post code
P. Ralli & Thevon 250, 12244 Egaleo, GREECE
+30 210 5381009
+30 210 5613703
Number of employees
Approximately 800
Short description of the institute

P.U.A.S offers technological theoretical and practical education directly applied to the needs of the market. Courses last for eight semesters, which includes a six-month period of Practical Training and writing a dissertation. P.U.A.S, also offers post-graduate programs that are officially incorporated into the educational system. The study at P.U.A.S, is provided free of tuition and education material and is supervised by the Ministry of Education.

Contact person for this placement
Associate Professor Charalampos Z. Patrikakis

Department and designation / job title
Department of Electronics Engineering, Computer Networks and Services Research Team
Direct telephone number
+30 210 5381534
E-mail address